The Complete view! 

We are living in a truly exciting time where science, medicine, technology, and policy are disrupting every single industry.  This means there are opportunities as well as challenges for individuals, businesses, organizations, and enterprises. To thrive during these changes, I’ve introduced the . This holistic method of complex organizational, global and policy issues has served many of my clients. Let me solve yours!


No one can do it alone!  To thrive industries will need to be persistent, embrace partnerships, and understand of the nuances public policy.  The 360° approach views complex problems from all views: A mosaic vs. the tile.  By understanding the entirety of the problem/opportunity, I will help to unravel the simple and the complex to bring clarity and develop strategies that leave no stone unturned.



360º Highlight

Dr Hartman and Dr Oxley Combine Social and Clinical Determinants to Improve Military and Veteran Well-Being

Mark Oxley, PhD and Richard Hartman, PhD introduce the Service member Veteran Risk Profile (SVRP), a mathematical process/solution to quantitatively represent transitioning Service member (TSM) and/or Veteran quality of life risks by integrating clinical and social determinant data into an individual risk profile in the in Health Informatics – An International Journal. 

The SVRP creates, for the first time, a mechanism for the Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to holistically represent the challenges of military members transitioning into civilian life that can lead to negative outcomes and proactively identify transitioning Service members and Veterans at risk.